Grace (2015)

MDF, acrylic, paint, electrical wiring, tube lighting, 200x100x50cm
January 11th-February 21st 2015

Ruth Legg’s artwork explores the role of authenticity. Asking why we aspire to this specific quality and how our search for the authentic, both as artist and viewer is reflected in our choice of aesthetics, which change over time and with fashion. While she works predominantly with video, Legg also employs photography and installation as part of her practice.

Grace is at once a light-box, a sculpture, a poem and perhaps even a painting. It is a flirtatious invitation to engage with the artwork. Suggesting both the ability of an artwork to seduce and our expectation and desire for such a seduction to take place.

Legg is a British artist living and working in Amsterdam. She has a Masters degree from the Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam and studied for a PhD in art practice at Goldsmiths College, London from 2009-2013. Her work has been exhibited across Europe.

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